
Name: Venus
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Bright orange, almost yellow
Home Region: Sinnoh
Hometown: Floaroma Town
Associations: Team Galactic
Trainer Class: Commander
Team: Drifblim, Ambipom, & Bronzor

Personality Traits: Cheery, warm, often perceived as 'motherly' toward her subordinates. Generally soft-spoken, her gentle personality has a frightening side that has yet to be seen. She can be self-absorbed at times, even a bit air-headed.

Story: A former florist from Floaroma town, Venus was once challenged and defeated by Team Galactic members within her workplace. A blood thirst for battle awakened, she enlisted in Galactic to sate her urges for combat and support their cause.
All art was commissioned by me. Please do not use.

